Classical age: The growth of trade, state, and orthodoxy.

India’s Trade Relations in the Gupta Era

During the period between the 1st and 5th century CE, India was known for its brisk trade with other South-Asian countries. The rise of strong empires, such as the Guptas, provided a further boost to trade and commerce. Today, evidence of cultural exchange via trade can still be seen in Indian cuisine.

Commodities in Trade

Spices were a major commodity of overseas trade during the Gupta period. The Gupta empire had significant trade relations with the Roman empire and later, with the Byzantine empire. Pepper, long pepper, white pepper, and cardamom were some of the spices that were traded. Iran was also a trading partner, with horses of the superior breed being exchanged for pepper.

The Dharmasastras

Another important feature of this period was the development of a class of Sanskrit texts known as the Dharmasastras. These texts contained the code of conduct and moral principles (dharma) for the Brahmanical religion. They also laid down rules concerning cooking and consumption of food, which had larger implications for notions of ritual purity and pollution within Brahmanism.

The Influence of the Dharmasastras It is difficult to determine the extent of legal authority that the Dharmasastras enjoyed. However, given the heterogeneous nature of Indian society, the dietary regulations and injunctions mentioned in the texts were perhaps not followed strictly. Despite this, they were woven into the fabric of day-to-day life and enjoyed moral and spiritual importance in society.

The Growth of Trade

During the classical age, the world saw significant growth in trade. This was facilitated by the expansion of the market economy and the growth of towns and cities. The merchants and traders of this time period were able to capitalize on the increased demand for goods and services, leading to the development of thriving trade networks across Europe.

One of the key factors that contributed to the growth of trade was the rise of the merchant class. These merchants, who were often wealthy and influential, had the resources to invest in trade ventures and the power to negotiate favorable terms with rulers and other business partners. As a result, they were able to expand their reach and build vast commercial empires.

Another factor that contributed to the growth of trade was the rise of the banking industry. Banks provided merchants with access to credit, which allowed them to finance their trade ventures and invest in new markets. This in turn helped to spur even more growth in the trade sector, as merchants were able to take advantage of new opportunities and tap into new markets.

The Growth of State As trade grew and flourished, so did the power of the state. During the classical age, the world saw the rise of powerful monarchies that were able to exert control over their territories and expand their influence through military force and diplomacy.

One of the key factors that contributed to the growth of the state was the development of centralizing institutions. Rulers of this era were able to establish centralized bureaucracies that allowed them to control and regulate trade, commerce, and other aspects of life. This gave them greater power and control over their territories and allowed them to impose their will on the population.

Another factor that contributed to the growth of the state was the rise of standing armies. With the expansion of trade and commerce, rulers were able to finance the creation of professional armies that were loyal to the state. This allowed them to defend their territories and assert their dominance over other states and territories.

The Growth of Orthodoxy

As trade and the state grew, so did the influence of orthodox religion. During the classical age, the world saw the rise of Christianity as the dominant religion in Europe and the growth of the Catholic Church as the dominant institution.

One of the key factors that contributed to the growth of orthodoxy was the spread of Christianity through the spread of the faith. The Catholic Church was able to expand its reach and influence by establishing religious orders and missions that brought the message of the gospel to new territories.

Another factor that contributed to the growth of orthodoxy was the establishment of the papacy as the central institution of the Catholic Church. The pope became a powerful spiritual and political figure, with the power to make decisions that affected the lives of millions of people. This gave the Catholic Church great influence over the lives of people, and helped to further solidify the power of the state.


The classical age was a period of great growth and prosperity, marked by the rise of trade, state, and orthodox religion. These forces shaped the development of society and had a profound impact on the lives of people, creating a legacy that would last for centuries to come. Today, we can still see the echoes of this era in the world around us, and the lessons we can learn from this time period continue to influence our world in countless ways. SEO Keywords: classical age, growth of trade, state, orthodox religion, medieval world, a market economy, merchant class, banking industry, centralizing institutions

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by Davana Foods

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